Scenery, birds and wine

Hello from Salta.  I'm back from the trip to Cachi and Cafayate.  While my original plan was to ride this loop, it would have been tough.  Down here the tobacco harvest is starting and it's pretty lush.
A big climb gets you up to Cardones National Park where the birding is excellent with condors all over.
I met a serious birder from Houston who invited me to stay in his Airbnb in Cachi (thanks Cin-ty!).  Behind the house there was a 21000'+ peak, only 14000' of climbing to get there...
We enjoyed a day finding new species and I learned much from seeing him in action.  The road from Cachi to Cafayate passed through tiny towns and was pretty rough.
I chatted with a Spanish bike tourer heading for the far south who found it pretty uncomfortable.  I was happy to relax in Cafayate a day and explore two small wineries.
At this one, Utama, two brothers made organic wine and ceramics, the later using a wood-fired kiln.
Half the drive to Salta was through red rock country with several signed stops, including an impressive pour-off used as an ampitheater by musicians on the weekend and burrowing parakeets all the time.Back in Salta we had merienda (afternoon tea) at a place in the country and today is a family BBQ.  I'll explore a little more Monday - Wednesday before flying to Lima, spending Thursday night in a beach town and flying home Friday/Saturday.


  1. ¡Qué hermoso viaje has hecho Jeff!! te enviamos un abrazo que llegues bien a Boulder! Saludos a la familia :)


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