Made it over the Andes!

I'm writing from Susques, Argentina where I'm below 14000' for the first time since making it up the huge climb out of San Pedro de Atacama.
All smiles at the bottom...
The road goes to the right of the 19,400' volcano.
It was a long grind lightened occasionally by the locals.  Surprisingly I didn't feel limited by the altitude, but my legs needed rest more and more frequently until it was every 5-7 minutes.  The alternative would have been debilitating cramps.  If I'd found a campsite below the top I would have taken it.
Here's where I ended up.  Getting shelter from the wind is critical.  It dropped below freezing all three nights, but I stayed plenty warm thanks to good gear.  

Even with sore legs and limited oxygen, day two exceeded expectations and included the high point of 15,955'.
Vicuñas all over.
A few spots with water attract good birds and more vicuñas. 
The riding and camping are made more difficult in the afternoon by strong winds.  The scenery makes up for it though!
Now I'm down to 12,000', have enjoyed a shower and sitting in a chair, and am relaxing on a bed.  I'll end with these pictures of Susques and wish you all a good night.


  1. I'm enjoying living vicariously (once again) through your trip! I'd love to catch up with you and Noel when you are back home!

    1. Yes! Thank you for the armchair delights, Jeff!


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