Down from the Cordillera

This lovely woman shared her birthday brownies with me and had me join her for breakfast.  Filipino hospitality is for real!
I took a day for a nice hike before leaving Sagada.  The fern trees are a favorite.
A bit sketchy getting by this on the trail...
While having a fairly heavy presence in the mountains, the police are friendly and helpful. These two helped me avoid a nasty 4-wheel drive road.  
Rice terraces are found all over. Bryan caught up after an excellent tour of UNESCO sites.
After more ups and downs, including another steep 1000m climb, we hit the flats along the west coast.
Lots of corn (pig feed) and tobacco growing.
Judging by the prevalence of churches and signs praising Jesus it's a religious country with very active Protestant sector.
On the way to Vigan we made it to the sea...
Via some interesting non-highway routing
Vigan has a nice, if touristy, UNESCO-listed historic district.
Best food yet, mediocre craft beer and a pretty good fountain/light/music show.


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