
Wrapping up the trip on Bohol showed off another part of the Philippines.  We headed inland and started by visiting a Tarsier Sanctuary to see some of the world's smallest primates.
On the way we ran into 2 other cyclists from Salt Lake City traveling with folding bikes.
We all connected and exchanged contacts in case our paths cross again.  Next up was a visit to a national park for some birding and a night safari.
I'm up to 107 new species of bird here, which is nice.  We took a relaxing rest day at a place run as an inn and butterfly sanctuary by the founder, Christie from New Zealand.
Today, after a short walk to see the famous Chocolate Hills (they turn brown when the grass dries up), we went our separate ways.
Rice harvest (1 of 3 each year on Bohol) was under way, so we've seen the full cycle.
Rice provides over 1/3 of the average Filipino diet.

As everywhere here people are very friendly and helpful.

Ferda and Bryan have 2 more weeks and are heading to Leyte to see whale sharks.  I'm looking at 2 days of travel to get back to family and friends in Boulder.  Ferry to Cebu in the morning, ride to a bike shop to pack my bike and gear, taxi to the airport, fly though Taipei to San Francisco (leave at 7:30 pm arrive 6:25 pm the same day!), train to my brother's in Oakland since I couldn't get a late flight to Denver, back to SFO, fly to Denver, bus to Boulder.  Whew!


  1. The tarsier looks like he's saying "where's my Precious?" Thanks for sharing your adventure, Jeff!


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