To Big Sur and Beyond

After a nice visit with my brother, sister-in-law and nephew, Mo and I met and rode out of San Francisco through Golden Gate Park (added to my places to explore list).  
Camping on the beach in Half Moon Bay.
The route led us through field after field of Brussels sprouts and strawberries, plus other crops, and reminded me of the labor it takes to supply our produce.We camped just past Santa Cruz and rode through Monterey down into Big Sur.
Not only was the scenery spectacular, but the road closure meant light traffic.
We, as have many other cyclists, rode through after work was done at 6 PM.
Good wildlife on this section!  Stopped to see elephant seals twice, saw sea otters and my first California condor (species 1100 for my life list)!
We're just north of Santa Barbara and have 5 or 6 days left to ride.  


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