Oregon Coast Bike Route

We're in Brookings OR about to cross into California - 800 miles in two weeks!
Since Astoria the weather has steadily improved as has the scenery.  The first day was a wet 80 miles on a rainy day, but at least we went by Tillamook Creamery!
We've been cooking good camp dinners; last night was Thai green curry.
The next days have seen the traffic on US 101 (most of the route) diminish (yay!) and one spectacular view after another.
At one viewpoint we saw grey whales feeding just off shore (they were in the patch of clear water surrounded by surf/foam.
Hats off to Oregon for the bike route infrastructure (signs, maps, warning lights and reduced speeds for bridges and tunnels) and the extensive state parks with hiker/biker campsites always available. Thanks!

Having a great time!


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