1 > 101

Until a couple of days ago US 101 was the backbone of our route, but we're now on California 1 happily.  Although 101 has a better shoulder usually, there's more traffic and it's faster.  The 1 is quieter and stays closer to the coast, so it's more scenic.  It's also much hillier and has very little cell service (explaining the lack of blog posts).

Before getting on the 1 we rode the beautiful Avenue of the Giants (redwoods).

We also rode by a massive lumber company in Scotia, the biggest of those we've seen.
The coastal scenery returned in force as we rode south through Mendocino and Fort Ross, the Russian settlement in CA.
Last night we were wined and dined by cyclists we met in the campground who weren't carrying everything on their bikes!
Lastly, racoons have been raiding our camp the past 2 nights even though our food is stored in the boxes provided.  One even peeked under my tent fly while I was inside!  Going to bed to the sound of surf is relaxing at least.

Two short days coming up before a couple of days in Oakland at my brother's.


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