Around the Olympics

Posting this in Aberdeen WA, formerly known as the Hellhole of the Pacific, now a disinvested lumber town.  We've ridden 268 miles in 4 days and are the touring groove. Here are the highlights:
First burger (meh) and onion rings (superior) of the trip at Fat Smitty's, which has 1000s of $ bills papering the walls and ceiling. We got on the Olympic Discovery Trail, a 100-mile bike route with beautifully engineered off-road bike paths, highways and everything in between.
Our second night was spent camping at a Warm Showers host's.  Lonnie was a personable retired gentleman who's hosted more than 2500 people!  Plenty of snacks along the way.
it was fairly hazy with wildfire smoke until we got to the coast, but we made out Canada across from Port Angeles.  After one of a couple of wrong turns on dirt roads a logging truck passed us and immediately missed a turn leading to a bit of literal bushwhacking!
We made it to the Pacific and turned south.
Last night some generous campers shared their site on Lake Quinault (best camping yet) and we had a nice sunny afternoon with a swim included.
Anna and Leigha in the trailer just started riding to Patagonia!

We plan to cross the Columbia River and enter Oregon in two days...


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