The Plan

So I'm off Wednesday morning and arrive in Tirana, Albania Thursday.  The rough plan is to ride down to Corfu to meet my friend Bryan, who lives in Turkey.  From there we'll head back through Albania to North Macedonia and then through Kosovo to Montenegro.  I'll head back to Tirana to fly back May 25th.  Here's the general idea:


  1. Looks like your route goes right through the town of Bitola, the home of 3 of 4 of my grandparents. If you pass through some old sections, take some pictures.

    BTW - 1400 km, 2 months - I like the pace of your trip, as compared to my upcoming bike tour. Much more time to see, visit, and enjoy!

  2. If you go through any cemeteries in Bitola, look for any headstones with Aruti or Ergas


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